India has become a hub for a bone marrow transplant (BMT) over the last few years. The economical pricing of bone marrow transplant (BMT) procedure with a good survival rate and success rate offered by the Indian hospitals has led to this change. The medical tourism in India is increasing eventually with its rising fame in several treatment options.
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in India:
Every hospital or center offering bone marrow transplant in India is facilitated with ultra-modern infrastructure along with widely experienced and even some internationally trained doctors and staff. Every type of bone marrow transplant (BMT) is available in India and the hospitals are fully equipped with all necessary equipment like a proper radiation and oncology unit for total body radiation, and chemotherapy drugs and equipments. Both autologous, as well as allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT), can be done efficiently as per the case requirement by utilizing bone marrow, cord blood stem cells, and peripheral stem cells. Several diseases like bone marrow disorders, leukemias, lymphomas, aplastic anemia sickle cell anemia, multiple myelomas, thalassemia, pediatric tumors etc can be treated by bone marrow transplant (BMT). Learn More about Bone Marrow Transplant.
What are the types of Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)?
Every case has some certain specifications and limitations as well. Which can either be treated by one particular BMT option or at times different options can be applicable but your doctor can decide the best applicable option of BMT.
Following are the few options available in bone marrow transplant (BMT):
Autologous bone marrow transplant involves using the stem cells obtained from the patient’s own bone marrow. This is done in those patients who still possess some healthy stem cells. Before destroying the cancer cells by radiation or chemotherapy those healthy stem cells can be extracted from the patient and preserved under the required nominal conditions. Later those stem cells of the patient can be injected into the patient after complete irradiation of the cancerous cells. This method has fewer complication chances as rejection and graft failure chances are minimal.
Allogenic BMT is done preferably for some diseases. In this, a donor is required for obtaining stem cells. Allogeneic transplants require a matching donor with respect to the tissue or HLA matching. This type of bone marrow transplant (BMT) is applicable in cases where a patient’s own stem cells are completely damaged or destroyed to be used for autologous transplant. These transplants are prone to certain complications like graft-versus-host disease and other complications like graft failure, complete rejection etc. Finding a suitable donor can also be a tedious task. A donor can be a related or unrelated but with a complete match. Although getting a related match from a brother or sister poses lesser complications than an unrelated match. Since it further reduces the risk of rejection chances etc.
A donor undergoes a process of stem cell harvesting or stem cell collection. These days a new method of storing stem cells of newborn includes umbilical cord or placenta preservation in cord blood banks, such stem cells are not specialized so requires a minimal matching in comparison to adult stem cells.
There are different types of allogeneic transplants available based on the donor cells source.
They are listed below:
Related donor allogeneic transplant: Many relatives can be a source of stem cell donor but the ideal match must opt as it reduces the risk of complications to a minimum. Also, siblings are normally found to be a certain close match as a donor and identical twins can be an added advantage in such case.
Matched unrelated donor allogeneic transplant: These days there are certain international registrations done for donors. So in cases, where related matching donors are not available then these donor banks can be approached with global registrations to obtain a matching donor. It is a little tedious and time-consuming task but at times it can be the only hope for a perfect donor.
Half-matched related or family member donor allogeneic transplant: These days haploidentical bone marrow transplants (BMT) are routinely done in cases where more than 50 percent of a match is not available. In those cases, siblings, as well as parents, turn out to be a Hal-match or 50 percent match also known as the haploid match.
Cord blood transplants: This is the most recently available option for a bone marrow transplant (BMT). Especially in cases where even a minimum matching donor is not available. The cord stem cells obtained from the parental cord of the newborn are immature unlike in any adult stem cells, therefore, it does not even require a very close match with the recipient’s tissues.
What is the Success rate of Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in India?
Bone marrow transplant (BMT) has a predictable survival rate of nearly more than 60 percent. Every bone marrow transplant (BMT) case survival varies depending upon the type of transplant chosen like allogeneic or autologous. Even the complete replacement or removal of diseases marrow cells is not enough sometimes although it does efficiently work in most of the cases of transplant. The success and survival rates of any bone marrow transplant (BMT) depends greatly on patients condition and requirement. Bone marrow transplant (BMT) does cure some of the diseases and helps in extending life and improves the quality of life as well. But in some rare cases treating one disease leads to remission of another during or after the treatment. But those risks and complications and their chances can be discussed with a specialized doctor before undergoing a bone marrow transplant (BMT). Learn More About the Success Rate of BMT.
What is the Survival rate of patients have undergone Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in India?
People undergoing a bone marrow transplant (BMT) in India have a good survival rate. India has emerged as a global hub for several affordable but highly effective treatments. So any treatment in India including a bone marrow transplant (BMT) does have a good survival rate like in any other standard developed country but they charge too much unlike Indian economic prices for BMT. Several statistical data has been accumulated to date to support good survival rates offered by Indian BMT done for several diseases and age group patients. A relevant data states that nearly 30% to 40% of above 60 age group patients do survive more than 3 years after BMT done in India. The survival chances increase if younger is the patient age who are being treated and early is the diagnosis stage of the disease. Further, no reoccurrence until 2 years after BMT, even improves the chances of disease-free and longer survivals. Learn More About the Survival Rate of BMT Patients.
Which is the best hospital for Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in India?
Every hospital is good in its own way of offering facilities and treatment in India. But in order to find the best suitable as per your requirement reach us on the live chat and we can help you provide a list of best hospitals to choose. Several private hospitals offer a variety of prices for a bone marrow transplant. But several factors like the involvement of donor, sort of disease for which treatment is done, and the age of the patient plays an important role in setting up a probable price for the treatment. Learn More About the Hospitals have the highest Success Rate for BMT.
Related FAQs:
1) Q: Is Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) really cure cancer?
A: Bone marrow transplant (BMT) can certainly help in treating several diseases like cancers, leukemia, myelomas etc. But a BMT as a definite cure can only happen in some cases which never relapse otherwise chances of relapse sometimes affect the complete curing ability.
2) Q: How long a cancer patient live after Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)?
A: Patients survive long enough after bone marrow transplant (BMT). For eg: a person can survive for nearly five years after BMT if no complication arises and this survival even increases for the next 15 years and more if no relapse of the disease appears.
3) Q: Is it safe to donate bone marrow?
A: It is completely safe to donate the bone marrow and the procedure is done under the effect of anesthesia. The entire procedure is done under complete supervision in a hospital and requires a few days of recovery.